Career Planning
A liberal arts education is a smart choice. Research shows graduates of liberal arts programs often advance more quickly to middle and senior management positions than persons following other programs of study.
But academics is only one part of future success. Regular visits to BW's Career Services are also needed.
Some students erroneously believe their first visit to Career Services should be in their senior year when it is time for resume writing and polishing interview skills.
In truth, students should annually visit this resource and guidance area. It offers a variety of programs, workshops and services that can benefit students with self-discovery, career exploration, and job and internship searches.
For freshmen, Career Services can be a valuable resource. Students who haven't declared a major (and those who already have) can clarify career possibilities by meeting with a career advisor and using resources that assess interests, abilities, values and goals.
In addition, students can activate their BW Career Services network accounts, research internships relevant to career interests and attend a Resume Writing Clinic that can help them develop first resumes and more.
Upperclassmen can benefit from an array of services. They can research graduate schools, explore employment opportunities, meet with career advisors, attend valuable skill-building workshops and sign up for on-campus recruitment interviews.