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Day of Excellence celebrates student success

Photo of Ovation FestivalThe Day of Excellence is the signature event of the Ovation Festival. Held April 26, the vibrant celebration of student achievement and creativity presented the best of BW and highlighted student work from every school of the University through posters, displays, live presentations and performances.

The day concluded with a campus-wide Honors Award Ceremony that recognized students with scholarships and awards.

2018 Ovation Winners

Student Recognition

A. Fred Crossman Leadership Prize
Peyton Flasco

Alan Blumenthal Prize in Student Government
Olivia Murphy

Susan Zanetti Family Scholarship
Sarah Bellish

Melissa Trifiletti Award in Women's Leadership
Maya Ajtun-Castillo

Bonnie Raye Scholar/Athlete Award
Kaitlyn Smith

Clyde Lamb Scholar Athlete Awards
Spencer Badia & Anna Poptic

Overmyer Achievement Award
Kaitlyn Geyer

Will Richmond Prize in Photography
Joseph Rini

The Professor David Prok Humanitarian Award for Social Justice in Sex and Gender Diversity
Kerry Mullen & Christy Walkuski

Outstanding Senior Awards Class of 2018
William Anastasiadis, Andrew Bianco, Michael Brown, Dylan Cook, Kirsten Goddard, Kevin Kaufhold, Madison McNeil, Olivia Murphy, Manolo Sandoval & Katherine Simonis

Academic Recognition

Dr. James M. Ruegsegger Biology Prize
Emily Johnson & Savanah Craig

Amling Investment Award
Christopher Guest

Dr. Jacob O. Kamm Award
Corrinne Horvath

Ralph M. Dunbar, Jr. Scholarship
Jennifer Lavelle, Angela Gibbons & Noe Garza

Walter & Elaine Mueller Scholarship
Joshua Kidd

Carmel Family Business Scholarship
Gwyn Dubel

Concerto Competition Award
Andrew Jonah Vicente & Michael Ciniglia

Mel and Jenna Hakola Prize for Academic and Vocal Excellence
Ethan Burck

Adult Senior Academic Awards
Meghan Jenkins, Leah Varner & Adam Ramsey

Jess & Arline Petty Scholarship
Corrinne Horvath

Alice Benedict Gagen Prize in Elementary Education
Shannon Krise

Harold A. & Louise Cramer White Prize
Susan Saler

Ruby Redinger Prize in English
Christopher Dreger

A.B. & Georgianna Bonds Scholarship
Leandra Patton & Andrew DeValve

Dr. William D. and Mary Pendell Memorial Scholarship
Samantha Gallaher & Samantha Dean

Hower/Stover Award
Athena Ridgley

Dr. Robert H. Lechner Memorial Service Award
Morgan Hoffman

Lee Tressel Scholarship
MacKenzi Matthews

George R. Grame Award
Julia Halamek

Dr. Emory C. Unnewehr Award
Brandon Shipley

Robert and Dorothy Bell Memorial Award in International Studies
Madison McNeil

Robert and Dorothy Bell Memorial Award in Political Science
Ada Bemis

Robert and Dorothy Bell Memorial Award in National Security
Michael Brown

Dr. Delo C. Grover Award
Shelby Helmick

William Prokasy Psychology Alumni Award
Hannah Albrechta

Dr. Ernest Knautz Award
Elizabeth Reed

Thomas "Jake" Beyer Award
Alexandra Winkelfoos

Lillian and Larry D. Bibbee Scholarship
Samantha Illius

John F. and Ida E. Gibler Scholarship
Sharmika Primm

Dr. Maria Marin Memorial Scholarship
Maya Ajtun-Castillo

Michael Keith Dwyer Art Scholarship
Jake Knowlton

David R. & June Demmerle Scholarship
Jeffrey Farkas-Ondo & Clarence Griffin

Outstanding B.S. in Mathematics
Stephanie Eagler

Outstanding B.A. in Mathematics
Jennifer Burdick

Outstanding B.S. in Computer Science
Christian Ford

Outstanding B.S. in Software Engineering
Paul Peters

Outstanding B.S. in Computer Information Systems Analyst
Daniel Jesensky

Outstanding B.S. in Computer and Network Security Analyst
Theodore Waddell

First Steps to Attend BW

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