Being Aware of Alcohol-Related Issues
Underage drinking, legal drinking, no drinking. Alcohol can affect all students. From assaults to vandalism to unsafe sex to injury, the statistics concerning college students and alcohol are a sober reminder that ongoing education is important to safeguarding students.
Family expectations and reactions about alcohol use can run the gamut from passive acceptance to concerted efforts at reinforcing a no-drinking mindset among their students.
The law and institutional policies clearly define age appropriateness and other factors. However, students and even families can be swayed by influences such as peer pressure, societal acceptance of alcohol and bars for social purposes, and a misconception that drinking can be a rite of passage for young adults.
Partnering to Protect Students
BW has policies that prohibit irresponsible and illegal drug and alcohol use. Students who violate the policies can be subjected to legal as well as BW-instituted consequences. In order to curb potential drinking opportunities, campus groups sponsor events aimed at encouraging student fun without substance use.
CARE (The Center for Awareness, Resilience and Education) is a BW program that promotes educational and social activities that encourage the health and well being of students.
Parents and families also should encourage responsible behavior. The following guidelines may help.
- Remind your student underage alcohol consumption and driving after drinking are both illegal and prohibited by BW policies
- Encourage avoidance of social gatherings solely focused on underage drinking
- Explain the importance of intervention when situations warrant attention. Your student may prevent a death, injury or assault
- Ask about your student's social life