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Readathon: A Wrinkle in Time

This event is part of the Ritter Library “Our Place in Space: The Ongoing Adventures of Humanity Among the Stars” Lecture Series.

space-exhibit.jpgWe will read out loud Madeleine L'Engle's classic young adult book!

L'Engle's 1962 novel is about space exploration, the power of love and the importance of being true to yourself.

Join the fun in person in Marting Hall, Room 114 or via Zoom.

Zoom Link

About "Our Place in Space"

The Earth is infinitesimal in the vastness of the cosmos: one planet amidst the unfathomable dimensions of the universe. This year’s Ritter Library series explores the progress we’ve made in understanding our cosmic neighborhood.

  • The first steps taken to reach the stars
  • Human firsts in space exploration
  • Robotics and their role
  • The current state of space exploration
  • Future aspirations

Join us as we explore Our Place in Space.